Aashirwad Kumar
An Abnormaly Curious Guy.
Imsc Mathematics and Computing at BIT Mesra,Ranchi
Working At:
Fastenal IDC
Software Engineer (SDE 2) (Full Stack Developer)
Jan 2023-Present
Interned At:
React based CodeEditor with design using Figma and implemented using MUIv5 incorporating theme changeand other design principles.Used Monacio Editor by Microsoft to implement code editor features and incorportated 5 languages with intellisense support in Javascript.Using Axios to fetch results from Judge0 server API for code review and code compilation.
Aashirwad Kumar
React,Material UI, Axios,Judge0, Monaco Editor
Managed and Collaborated on Shopify E Commerce WebApp for client incorporating UI/UX practices and E-Commerce features.Developed features using Shopify Liquid and explored Hydrogen Framework. Used Shopify Apps to add option to wholesale discounts and create new theme.
Aashirwad Kumar
Shopify,Liquid,HTML,CSS and UI/UX Design Principles
Created Telegram Bot Server using Telegraf and NodeJs to handle APIs using axios and created bot commands for Telegram using Telegraf to fetch daily Cricket updates.Implemented FlexBox CSS and fetch , async , await and DOM Manipulation to make a Dynamic Website to daily update Cricket News from around the world fetched from API hosted on Rapid API.
Aashirwad Kumar
Javascript, NodeJS, Telegraf
Why WebPack?πΈοΈ What problem does it solve?π§ In its broadest definition: WebPack is a bundler, a module bundler. πΌ What it basically does is bundles all assets and files. πͺ To understand why WebPack is necessary, it is important to know How was Ja...
Aashirwad Kumar
WebPack, Modules, Javascript
Material-UI is now MUI! π€© If you are following Frontend for some time you might already know the migration of Material UI brand to MUI. And Yes! I am copying the direct heading from the announcement made by the team behind MUI on 16 Sept 2021 of a n...
Aashirwad Kumar
MUI, React